Your Purpose & Unique Gifts Unlocked in 30 Days!


Say goodbye to the constant search and angst of not knowing if you’re on the right path and hello to a clear direction of where you’re headed, and unblock the obstacles getting in your way. You're here to make an enormous impact that you're meant to do on this earth by using your unique gifts and to get paid for being you.


Unlocking something as significant and powerful as your purpose sounds ambitious to do in just 30 days, but your gifts are so natural to you, they're easy to miss. Inside this 30-day journey you will be guided to unlock what's already inside you by having an outside perspective on YOUR vision rather than someone just telling you how to do it their way. 


In 30-days you'll gain enough awareness and clarity on your unique gifts - your secret sauce that makes you magnetic that's been lying dormant in you all your life. Finding this newfound awareness will give you the momentum you need to get you from feeling stuck in a rut, to purposeful movement towards your greatest desires to help make an enormous impact in the world

I'm ready to activate my purpose!

What if the thing you're meant to do in life isn't even on your radar?


Often times your truest most unique gifts lie dormant and don't come to the surface because beliefs you took on that aren't actually yours:


Do you have a false believe that you don't have certain traits or skills? 

"I'm not a good writer; therefore, I can't be an author." "My grammar is terrible; therefore, I wouldn't be a good podcaster." "I hate speaking in public; therefore, I don't want to be a speaker."

Do you have self-doubt that you can't achieve your big dreams?

"I don't have time, or I never finish what I start, or I keep changing my mind,  or I don't really even know where to start that I don't start at all."

Are you being hard on yourself feeling like you should be further along?

Do you think you can't possibly monetize your gifts that come naturally to you?


What if you could listen to what your soul is trying to tell you, rather than listening to the noise that feed your fears and false beliefs?

I'm ready! Sign me up!

Inside your 30-day self-discovery journey with me:

✨ Learn how to tap into your intuition, strengthen & trust it to make decisions with confidence and allow it to lead you to your aligned path. You are the only one who has the answer to your aligned path. Start standing out as unique and what's authentic to you rather than following a path that looks invisible and the same as everyone else.


✨ Clarity on your truth and authentic self which is what energetically attracts the people you’re meant to help like a magnet.


✨ A lens into how you’ve already been walking in your purpose without knowing it and how to amplify and activate it in the work you do. (This will blow your mind 🤯 that it was under your nose the entire time!) 


✨ Free yourself from subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that are keeping you from fully expressing your authentic self. It's YOUR time to show up unapologetically, free from other people’s opinions and breaking through self-doubt and fear from the root level to reprogram what's been conditioned for most of your life.


✨ Learn about your energetics and how to attract the people you're meant to serve. Learn how to clear stagnant energy (stress, anger, resentment, etc. you’re holding onto) so that you can open your energetic field to receive more freedom and opportunities.


✨ Learn rituals and routines to incorporate into your daily life to get you out of autopilot and get out of the same patterns, behaviors and thoughts that are keeping you stuck.



4 weekly live online Masterclasses every Wednesday at 1:30pm MST (calls will be recorded)

4 Weekly Trainings and implementation to bring you RESULTS in real time.

Community for connection, support & accountability with like-minded women on the same journey on Telegram

1 Q&A group activation call

Lifetime access to recordings and community chat and resources.


July 10th - August 7th

Masterclass 1: Activating Your Intuitive Gifts (recording now in portal)

Masterclass 2: Unlocking Your Truth & Authentic Self  That Makes You Magnetic: Who are you now outside your roles and achievements (recording now in portal)

Masterclass 3: Reprogramming Subconscious Limiting Beliefs & Blocks Holding You Back (July 24th LIVE)

Masterclass 4: Energetics, Frequency and Being an Energetic Match for What You're Calling in. (July 31st LIVE)

Activation Q & A Call: Taking Your Gifts and Activating & Implementing them to be Aligned with your Purpose (August 7th LIVE)

If you're joining in after July 10th you will have instant access to the recordings and activations to catch up live when you can OR work at your own pace and have a lifetime access to all the recordings and activation homework that creates powerful results in unlocking your gifts and purpose.

Join now for $222 - That's only $44 per Mastercall/Activation!

I'm ready to activate my purpose!
If you've been searching for your purpose outside yourself, you've gone to far...

The key to unlocking your purpose and unique gifts that make you magnetic is to go within - Into your Intuition, Energy and Subconscious.

I struggled to find my purpose for 40+ years and came out on the other side to find alignment, fulfillment and the road back home to ME, so that I could help others unlock their purpose much faster than it took me.

Now that I'm living my purpose and using my unique gifts, I have my freedom while my business grows with ease and flow, and I am a magnet to synchronicities, miracles and abundant opportunities.

I get paid for being ME and I want the same for YOU!

My Purpose & Soul Mission:

I have a gift to see the gift in YOU to activate your purpose through INTUITION, ENERGY healing, and through the power of your SUBCONSCIOUS.


Join me alongside other incredible women who know they're meant for more in a 30 day self-discovery journey to Activate your Purpose and unlock your unique gifts  where I’ll be guiding you to find your way back home to your authentic self and discover what you came to this earth to do.

I'm in!

Andi Samperi

I ended up finding my authentic self, hidden beneath layers of masks and suppression accumulated over the years. I realized that in order to make the most impact in this world, all of me is necessary to show up.

Abby Levesque

Kristine saw the light in me that had been dimmed throughout life & took me through a journey to rediscover it. This  has opened up my mind to endless possibilities & has given me to freedom to start dreaming again.